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Join us for a sacred and joyous occasion as we celebrate the Baptism of new believers into our faith community. This special ceremony symbolizes the washing away of the old and the rebirth into a new life in Christ. It’s a time of commitment, celebration, and welcoming new members into our church family.

Event Highlights:

  • Ceremony: Witness the profound moment of baptism, as individuals make a public declaration of their faith.
  • Fellowship: Share in the joy and support of our church community as we welcome our newest members.
  • Inspirational Message: A brief sermon to reflect on the significance of baptism and its place in our spiritual journey.

Additional Information:

  • Participants: If you are interested in being baptized, please contact Pastor Denora Rodriguez for pre-baptism discussions.
  • Attendees: All are welcome to join and witness this beautiful ceremony. Family and friends are encouraged to come and support the candidates.
  • Details Update: Stay tuned for updates on the exact location and time of the event.

We invite everyone to be a part of this momentous occasion as we celebrate faith, renewal, and community. For more information, please contact Pastor Denora Rodriguez.

“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” – Matthew 28:19


March 3